Let's talk gardening & illustration
If you hadn't realised already I LOVE GARDENING... I think I spend more money on the garden than clothes for myself!!
Plotting and planning my garden, sourcing plants, buying plants, planting my plants, weeding and watching my garden evolve brings me pure joy. Do I know what I am doing, no not really. I go with the flow and see what happens, and learn from each season what is working and what isn’t. I have learnt over the years that gardening fills my soul and I thoroughly enjoy being outside… I can be gone for hours!! A quick dead heading session could mean I’m out their for nearly an hour 😁
I have loved illustrating all the plants I have chatted about in this blog.
If you are a fellow garden lover, come and say 👋
Here are plants that I find are great and will never disappoint.
Sedums: These are fab, like a succulent. They survive well in dry soil they forgive you if you forget to water them!
Flowers: July - September. Bees love them.
Erigeron karvinskianus: (white and pink daisy's) These grow really well over the summer months and are very low maintenance and look really pretty.
Flowers: May to October
Heucheras: There are so many varieties from dark red to a vivd green. They are easy to care for and also offer a lovely range of small delicate flowers.
Astrantias: These again are a reliable plant and can also make lovely cut flowers through the summer months.
One more... Oh go on then...
Chives: These look fab in pots and when in bloom have gorgeous purple little heads. They remind me of a much smaller Allium head. Plus you can use them in your salads.
My plan for moving into Autumn…
At the moment I am enjoying cutting plants down that have already bloomed and can be left ready to grow and bloom next year. I’m regularly cutting plants down or dead heading to keep the last flowers in bloom that little bit longer, I find this task very therapeutic and satisfying. I have also been considering what other spring bulbs I may need to purchase to ready to plant. Making sure I keep some colour in my garden with some beautiful winter pansies.
Sharing the knowledge I am gaining on my gardening journey.
If you are interested in working with me on an illustration project for your business, that incorporates Plants, flowers and the great outdoors. Please have a look at my services page and get in touch.
I can’t wait to hear from you!